Lug - Online

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Lug Makes Fitness Fun

Today I wanted to take some time to share a little about how the Lug office is Living Life In Color!

We love our Lug team, and we want our team to be happy and healthy. That's why we're doing our in-office Get Fit Initiative! What's that, you say? It's our friendly little competition that's aimed at getting our team up and active. Here we are, two weeks into the competition, and we've made great strides to stay active. I've already told you about our Friday Yoga Bliss, and now we have Walking Wednesdays, where we take 30 minutes out of the work day to stretch our legs and get outside in the fresh air. Staffers can also do workouts in our office gym or at home or earn points through special events, like our upcoming Zumba class. Each activity is an opportunity to earn points, and the top three scores walk away with a fabulous prize. How cool is that? (I know, right? Pretty cool.)

We're always interested in fun, different ways to stay active. So, tell us, how do you fit fitness in?

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